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AI in Your Classroom

A.I. in Your Classroom: a human looking robot writes an "A+" on a holographic display.

What is AI? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and is generally defined as a machine/computer processing system that mimics human intelligence through information acquisition, reasoning, and self-correction. It has slowly become a growing part of our lives in that a lot of websites and programs we use have some sort of AI component. A great short video from (International Society for Technology in Education) offers a nice explanation:

If you use Amazon, Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest), Gmail, Netflix, Siri, Alexa, Hey Google, or Google Maps, then you are using AI within its recommendations, facial detection, path or decision-making processes.

Beneficial Uses of AI in the Classroom

A great learning experience can be created by teaching about the different components of AI. Dian Schaffhauser (2019), from The Journal, described some excellent educational experiences dealing with students learning about the decision tree aspects of AI and even having students create their own chatbots (experiential learning). More and more research is also showing the feasibility and benefits of AI systems within the classroom ( Aljohani, 2019; Cui, Xue, & Thai, 2019; Holstein, McLaren, & Aleven, 2018). The following are some specific ways/programs to use AI directly within a class to enhance different educational processes.

Turnitin is an online AI powered service that checks for text originality and plagiarism. It additionally looks for errors in citation and provides feedback for correction:

PEG Writing (Mi) is an online automated grading software system that uses AI to read, understand, process, grade and provide feedback on submitted essay documents:

Microsoft Translator for Education is a free plugin for PowerPoint that creates real-time subtitles of instructors’ speech (displayed below the presentation). Using the Azure Cognitive Services, AI-powered speech recognition, and translation allows students to hear/read what is being said in their own native language:

Thinkster is a math tutoring platform that uses AI and machine learning to assist math coaches with student performance tracking. AI is used to visualize a student’s thought process as they work on a math problem:

There are also some other interesting examples of AI online such as the Chatbot from Elbot available at or the Akinator guessing program from Google also has multiple AI “experiments” to check out on their site.

Please post a comment and share any AI experiences you have had with using it in the classroom.

Additional AI Resources


Aljohani, N. (2019). Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Educational Process: Using AI to Enhance Student Performance in Content Skills. In Kansas State University Khbrat SUMMIT. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University, Center for Intercultural and Multilingual Advocacy in the College of Education and the English Language Program.

Cui, W., Xue, Z., & Thai, K. P. (2019). Performance comparison of an AI-based Adaptive Learning System in China. In 2018 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC) (pp. 3170-3175). IEEE.

Holstein, K., McLaren, B. M., & Aleven, V. (2018). Student learning benefits of a mixed-reality teacher awareness tool in AI-enhanced classrooms. In International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (pp. 154-168). Springer, Cham.

Schaffhauser, D. (2019). Why it’s time to transform your classroom with AI. The Journal. Retrieved from


  1. Scott F

    We are talking about working with students in 2020 to create a chatbot for student support services. Will be checking out the reference Schaffhauser, D. (2019). Why it’s time to transform your classroom with AI. The Journal, so thanks for that. The akinator did better than I thought it would and I am glad they show how many others tried the same item as you, which was a surprisingly large number. Thanks for the article.

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